Reserva Natural Acaime

 ¿Qué ver en Reserva natural acaime, Parque nacional natural los nevados?

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The Acaime Natural Reserve is located within the Los Nevados National Natural Park in Colombia. The entrance fee is approximately $15 USD and the reserve is open from 9am to 5pm daily. The official website for the park is not available, but visitors can obtain more information at the park's entrance.

The Acaime Natural Reserve is known for its hummingbird sanctuary, where visitors can observe a variety of hummingbird species up close. The reserve also offers hiking trails that lead to beautiful waterfalls and stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Nearby attractions include the town of Salento, known for its colorful colonial architecture and coffee farms. The town is approximately a 45-minute drive from the reserve and is worth a visit for its charming atmosphere and delicious local cuisine.

Additionally, visitors can explore the Cocora Valley, famous for its towering wax palm trees and scenic hiking trails. The valley is approximately a 30-minute drive from the reserve and offers breathtaking views of the Andes mountains.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Reserva natural acaime)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Reserva natural acaime)